Product Guide
Coupon Tags
Sometimes referred to as Garment tags, these tags are printed in two sections separated with a perforation to record (by hand) all necessary information to record a sale at the register from the “Coupon” duplicate below the perforation. Preprinted information fields include “No., Size, Style, and Price”.
Coupon tags are color coded to use for various sale events of for specific hanging merchandise. Unstrung Coupon Tags are die cut with a hole for attaching to the garment with a standard tagging gun. Coupon Tags come in three die sizes….Large 1 34″ X 2 /7/8″; Small 1 ¼” X 1 7/8″; and Horizontal 2 3/4″ X 1/3/8″ They are stocked in White, ten (10) standard colors , and Fluorescent Green and Pink. (Large & Small size only). Strung Coupon Tags are used to a lesser degree of late due to cost of retail labor as it is more time intensive to pin the string to a garment and more costly than to tag with plastic fasteners. Coupon tags remain popular with Boutique shops, Consignment stores and general Smaller apparel retailers. Coupon Tags are sometimes customized with the merchant’s name and logo.
Merchandise Tags
Merchandise tags are often confused with garment tags, coupon tags and jewelry tags. Merchandise tags are specifically designed with a “Scalloped Shape Top” which is easily identified as the “Liberty Bell Shape”. They are primarily sold as blank white but are available in several colors especially fluorescent colors through one domestic producer, only, Autostat Corporation. Autostat is the only manufacturer of all nine (9) Sizes of merchandise tags with and without strings. White Merchandise Tags with strings outsell most sizes of merchandise tags without strings with the exception of sizes #5 and #8 which outsell their unstrung versions more than 2 to 1.
Merchandise string tags are most often used in Gift Shops, Airport stores, Antique shops, and smaller jewelry stores who may use the smaller sizes in lieu of more expensive jewelry tags. Unstrung Merchandise tags (without strings), can be easily affixed to hanging merchandise with all available styles of tagging guns and plastic fasteners. They appear more often in small apparel and jewelry stores and are used for hanging merchandise including apparel, gloves, caps, and custom jewelry.
Gift Tags
Gift Tags may be printed with a message such as “A Gift For You” …with a personalized salutation such as To… From…. For the presenter of the gift to address to the recipient. These tags are printed Black on Gold and Siver Stock with the the saluatation on the uncoated back for hand addressing.
Another style of Gift Tags are Blank Kraft String Tags. These are Kraft coated front and back to allow the Gift Giver to print their salutation on either side of the tag in any standard writing pen or marker. The Kraft Tags are available in stock at Autostat in Four styles….#8 and #6 Merchandise Tags are Strung in rich dark brown strings; #2 and #5 Shipping Tags are available with Kraft Coated both sides , clipped corners, and a large ¼” hole for hand insertion of any type twine, ribbon, or other plastic attachments.
“Chalkboard” Tags are the latest line of Gift Tags from Autostat, featuring three (3) styles with or without strings, printed Black on smooth tag stock to allow WHITE CHALK MARKERS TO BE UTILIZED in addressing the tag with any personalized salutation the Gift Giver chooses. Two styles are printed with only a Art Nouveau White Border, the third style printed with a similar white border plus a reverse white writing area with To… and From… for the Personal Gift Greeting.
These are just a few of the Newest Creations of Gift Tags from Autostat that have captured the imagination of some of the most prominent Gift Wrap and Packaging wholesalers throughout the United States and Canada.